WEATHER Displays the direction and amount of rain. Synchronized between sessions.WEATHER

Hi! I'm ~ aurora ~, welcome to my website! I'm an artist, programmer, and engineer, and I love doing all sorts of projects in my free time. This website is hand-built by me! (sorry if it's a tad slow - I could make it much slower but I decided against it)

Pronouns: he / him
Sexuality: whatever it ends up being
(current status: bi)

Likes: Rain, Robotic animals, Dragons, Futuristic things that look old and worn (Ian Hubert's Dynamo Dream is great)

Hobbies: Digital & traditional art, 3D modelling and rendering, Programming, Occasional origami, Machining, Brasswork & engraving

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Usernames: - aurora -, Ripplesplash, RS_____

Art Trades:

Would absolutely love to. Just message me anywhere.

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WARNING: This site is a little laggy and requires javascript.

This site also has soft background sounds (rain sounds).

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